What's Next?

A sudden, unasked-for job search can really make you question the direction of your whole working life. It's like having to re-answer the "so what are you going to do after you graduate?" question all over again. But this doesn't have to be a bad thing. As you've been working,…

Safety and Sustainability

To open up or not to open up -- is that the question? At the very least, it is the narrative that seems to dominate both traditional and social media right now. Everyone seems to have an opinion, and even discounting the charlatans and hacks that obviously don't have your…

On Community

In light of recent changes, the California Golden Blogs is facing an uncertain future, and there is a distinct possibility that that future involves a platform other than SBNation. This uncertainty has caused me to consider more closely what has worked well about CGB, that perhaps such success may be…

Tweet Threads

Despite Twitter being a platform focused around the Tweet -- a single, succinct snippet of thought -- I invariably find that the most (indeed, almost the only) interesting ideas on this platform come not in single tweets, but in threads. I think this is because of the types of things…