Pandemic - Season 2

As we wrap up the second season of Pandemic (aka “2021”), it’s become clear that this season, while not as narratively straightforward as the blockbuster first season (“2020”), tried to explore deeper themes of society and humanity. While Season 1 may have been riveting entertainment, Season 2 moved beyond…

Safety and Sustainability

To open up or not to open up -- is that the question? At the very least, it is the narrative that seems to dominate both traditional and social media right now. Everyone seems to have an opinion, and even discounting the charlatans and hacks that obviously don't have your…

On Credibility

I’ve been thinking a lot about credibility lately, especially with regards to this past year’s election cycle. It seems like a concept that everyone understands, but I think we oversimplify its usage in how we assign credibility to people and institutions, with the result that it is difficult…