Pandemic - Season 2

As we wrap up the second season of Pandemic (aka “2021”), it’s become clear that this season, while not as narratively straightforward as the blockbuster first season (“2020”), tried to explore deeper themes of society and humanity. While Season 1 may have been riveting entertainment, Season 2 moved beyond…

True vs Interesting

Over the last few years my writing output has slowed to a trickle. While there are plenty of reasons for this, the most notable is the ever-larger stack of unfinished drafts littering my desktop, my notebook, my phone. The general thrusts of something to say, but left incomplete, unpublished. Why?…

Safety and Sustainability

To open up or not to open up -- is that the question? At the very least, it is the narrative that seems to dominate both traditional and social media right now. Everyone seems to have an opinion, and even discounting the charlatans and hacks that obviously don't have your…

Presidential Qualifications

This morning, I voted in a Presidential Primary Election for the 6th time in my life. Voting is never a responsibility to take lightly, and because you're voting for a real person, you never get a completely flawless candidate that you couldn't say anything against, but at least this time,…

On Community

In light of recent changes, the California Golden Blogs is facing an uncertain future, and there is a distinct possibility that that future involves a platform other than SBNation. This uncertainty has caused me to consider more closely what has worked well about CGB, that perhaps such success may be…

SBNation and the Employment Market

Is this my two-week’s notice from @GoldenBlogs ? — Erik Johannessen (@erikrjoh) December 16, 2019 _Well, sure, being let go via Tweet sucks, but I'll try not to let my visceral reaction impact my analysis._ How We Got Started Just over 13 years ago, I and…

Reading List

What follows is not a list of my favorite books & articles -- indeed, many of my most beloved pieces of fiction have been left off. Rather, the primary criteria for inclusion on this list is that the piece is "interesting", from an "ideas" perspective. I…

Making Documentation Useful

In my professional career, I've written my share of documentation. Some of it has turned out to be very useful, while other documents have ended up being a waste of my time. When I consider what the most useful docs had in common, I find that they generally fall into…

Tweet Threads

Despite Twitter being a platform focused around the Tweet -- a single, succinct snippet of thought -- I invariably find that the most (indeed, almost the only) interesting ideas on this platform come not in single tweets, but in threads. I think this is because of the types of things…

Effective Postmortems

Any organization (or individual, for that matter) that desires to improve needs to be able to both have a frank discussion of what went wrong after a failure, as well be able to generate and execute on actionable steps to take that would prevent or mitigate the same failure in…